Short update!
I am failing at blogging.
Yes, I admit it, I have a horrible record of motivation. I used to blog every day, but now that I sort of have to cook and clean for myself every day, there seems to be less time in the day than there used to be!
So, what's new in my life?
Well, it's the second semester here in Monash, and right now my..7th month in Melbourne.
Things are good, not epic, but good. I'm not as homesick as I was before, I'm getting better about cooking stuff, and I think I'm doing all right in uni so far. This is the easy semester, though, I know next year is going to be hard.
Ironically, the easier something is, the less motivation you have to do it. It's quite peculiar. Like this Editing and Design class that I'm doing, I'm getting about average marks and I know I need to practice with the software more but I just don't do it. I need to snap out of it!
I'm happier this semester because I also have friends around :) Better than last semester, where I was adjusting and pretty much went out with just Matthew all the time.
Also, if you ask me about him and how we've been, you're likely to get a very boring answer. 'We're still fine, nothing has changed'. Yeah, I know it's not particularly inspiring, but what do you want me to say? He comes to my place, we cook, then we both get on our computers, and maybe sometimes we go out. There's not all that much to it. :P But we're both happy, and I think that's what counts. :)