Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long overdue updates

Hi, it's me again.

Yes, I know I've not updated for eons. EONS, I tell you.

I could give a lot of reasons but I'll cut the crap and tell you the truth - I was lazy. :P Yes, I know, so much for that resolution of blogging once a week. This is where I would promise to blog more often, but I know I won't keep that promise so what's the point. :P Maybe I should try reverse psychology - I'm going to tell myself NOT to blog, maybe I'll end up blogging instead :P

Right now..I'm at my friend Kim's house, using her laptop while she's trying to study - she must have amazing concentration to still be able to study medicine while there are two toddlers outside the room and me noisily typing away here. My mind drifts off when I'm reading usual stuff, nevermind medicine stuff. This is why I could never be a doctor - I don't have the passion required for the subject, hah.

'So, how's life?'

I know that's the question you people are dying to ask. Well, the short version is that life seems to be a tiny bit busier than usual. I haven't actually started to study properly yet *cough* but give me a break, it's only the second week going into the third week of uni. Although I have to admit it already seems like I've been here forever, even though I know I haven't.

So far I find my subjects pretty interesting, I think Editing and Design is going to be a nice subject for me even though I don't really have the talent for design, but I suppose that's the whole point of going to university - to learn. University is the place where you refine your skills and deepen your interests in the things you're good at, the place where you plug all the gaps. Previously I was good in writing but lousy in designing..maybe this will help me learn, if nothing else. My Online Journalism tutor said he thought I would like it. So far it's pretty practical, which in a world of theory-based subjects, is not bad.

I also tried to do a subject called Communication and Creativity, which apparently other people really love but for some reason I just couldn't like it. The first lecture talked all about how creativity was formed through art, and it mentioned a lot of old artists..and I can tell you, it was a monumental struggle not to fall asleep.

I eventually changed it to travel and representation..which in my opinion, is a far more interesting subject. Basically it looks at how tourism and travel is represented in writing and in people's minds, which I find quite fascinating - we don't think about travel that often and as nothing more than a leisure activity, but in truth tourism actually has pretty far-ranging consequences.

It seems a bit paradoxical to me, that I'm so interested in the way things - or people - interact with each other and with the world. It fascinates me, human behaviour, and yet I myself am so lousy at communicating. Perhaps I spend so much time observing that I don't actually know how to apply it in the real world. That makes no sense, but whatever. Art students don't have to make sense!

On to more interesting birthday is a scant 3 days from now. To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, I feel a bit sad and depressed, because I'm turning the big 2-0 - at home, I would have multiple celebrations with different groups of friends, and at the very least we would have outings and I might even get a cake or something. But here, in a land where I'm practically a stranger, the odds of that happening look extremely slim. It just makes me sad that I can't celebrate such a milestone with the people I love most with me.

Some people may say birthdays don't mean anything, that they're just another day in your life. Well, to use a very Australian expression, stuff that. Birthdays are special to me, and if you're a special person in my life, you can count on me to make sure your birthday is as special as it gets.

On the other hand, I do have Matthew here, which will make my birthday a hundred times better than it potentially could have been. I am slightly disappointed that it falls on a day where I have a lot of classes, but at least it's not a full day (I end at 2). We'll see what happens, I guess.

I also think I've learnt another lesson since coming here. I'm a person who believes in luck and fate, and that all things happen for a reason. However, I also realise that we can't rely entirely on luck - we have to make the effort to create an opening for the luck/magic/fate/whatever you believe in to work. I mean, how can you meet the guy of your dreams if you're holed up in your room 24/7? You have to make the effort to get out there, to try to look pretty, and there Luck has the leeway to perhaps send a cute guy your way. He's certainly not going to barge into your room and sweep you off your feet.

Luck rewards people who work hard to give it a chance.

Finally, before ending this post, a big


I miss you lots, and I'm sorry I wasn't there to cut the cake with you. I promise I'll get you a present before I go home (though I know you won't want one, but I'm still going to, so there :P) or maybe even cook you a birthday dinner, I guess? :P
I'll be thinking of you when I cut my cake! (I'll get myself a cake if I have to!)