Saturday, February 13, 2010

First Melbourne Post.

So here I am in Melbourne.

As expected, morning of the flight all the way till departure was horrible. Dad said to go out and eat dim sum, I really didn't want to but what choice did I have? I was halfway finishing writing a letter for my brother (cliche, yes I know) and shed a tear or two after that, and it all went downhill from there - cried in the restaurant, in the car, at home before I left (especially when my maid said 'rindukan you ya') and then when we hugged goodbye in the airport.

I really, really hate goodbyes. Even worse than I hate scary movies. Goodbyes are just..meh. I don't want to think about it any more. Bad enough I'll have to do it all over again when Dad goes home on the 20th.

Sleeping helps though, when I woke up today it didn't feel as devastating. I used to have a tendency to put myself into a self-induced sleep coma when I felt particularly depressed.

I guess you want to know what Melbourne is like?

Well, Melbourne is cold, that's for sure. And it's supposed to be summer. It reminds me a bit of London - only not as gloomy.

It's also a bit wet here now.

We arrived in the middle of the night, and I swear the housing area was like a ghost town. EVERYONE had their lights COMPLETELY off, and even the street lights were white and dim. It was surreal. In Malaysia, there're yellow streetlamps everywhere and everyone has at least their porch lights left on.

It still feels like I'm just here on holiday.

But it's not. This is my life for the next 2 years, so I guess I'll have to live with it.

Right now I'm staying at my dad's friend's house, and while the house is nice, his son's girlfriend has a super cute dog (Maltese I think) named Cinnamon, and everyone in general is just really nice, it just feels..I don't know. It's just not home, I guess? That, and I guess I'm just not in the mood to be overly attentive and outgoing - it just isn't in my nature. I'm having a hard time warming up to them, especially since all of them are outgoing and clever and good-looking -  and I guess I just feel a bit alone. It's better being able to come online, but to tell you the truth, no matter how small or how horrible the room in Clayton (touch wood) I'd rather go there right now and settle in instead of being like a parasite in someone else's house where I obviously don't belong.

I guess it can only get better from here. *shrug* I just have to talk louder and more and try not to look so bored. I seem to have a permanently neutral/bored expression on my face (because generally I am, honestly). But I can try.

And if it doesn't work out, at least it's only a while more till I can move in. No guarantees it'll be any better there, but at least I'll have my own room.

Anyway, random phone pictures (because my camera was in my bag and I wasn't very eager to dig through the mountains of stuff)

It looks a bit like Pride Rock, no?

Light and dark.


The colours are so pretty.

It didn't last very long but I saw a rainbow twice - one was under that wisp of cloud in the centre there. I took it as a sign that everything will be fine. :)


It looks like the sea almost.


Just got to remember that when life seems gray and dull, you just have to get past it to the blue sky above.


You can barely see it, but that's Melbourne.

My home for the next 2 years.


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