Friday, February 12, 2010

Last day in Malaysia..for now.

It's 12.02 am right now. This time tomorrow, I'll probably be somewhere in Melbourne Airport, or sitting in a taxi heading towards Uncle Ai Tong's house.

I look around, and the room is still as chaotic as ever. It doesn't even look like I'm going.

But I know I am. Time doesn't wait for anyone.

Am I ready?

I don't know.

The logical part of me has conceded that it is a bit ridiculous to get tears welling up in my eyes almost every few minutes, like when I went and took pictures of the house, or..just thought about leaving in general.

The emotional side of me doesn't care.

I wish I was more logical.

I don't LIKE crying. I wish I could be more unemotional, like my dad. It's not exactly the most attractive thing in the world, having a red nose and swollen eyes for the whole world to know you've been crying.

It's going to be horrible at the airport and when Daddy leaves, I just know it. I should bring tissues.

But anyway, sad stuff aside, let's have a look at some pictures.

I went around my house and took these, and nearly cried again. Being emotional really sucks.  

My room at a glance.


Darling bed..I'll miss you :(


My brother playing something (WoW, probably) at the computer in the 'study' area.


My maid watching Madagascar at the 3rd floor game room thingy.


Dry kitchen. Or you can call it 'Mission Control', especially during Japanese food day.


Dining area..with the Happy New Year words I printed out. You can see me if you look carefully.


Mom calls the wall with the gold square a 'feature wall' - it's what you see when you walk in the house.


This sofa actually isn't that nice to relax on, but it is conducive for sleeping, I guess.


Another sofa view, with TV this time!


My babies, some of who have been with me for years.


Mom asked, "Aren't you even bringing one?" I said I had no space, and it was true. :(

I really need to stop thinking about all this stuff or I'm sure I'm going to cry again. And I haven't even left yet. It's ridiculous. Stop it!


On another note, Soo Yoong (SueE? What do you want me to call you? :P) treated me to Baskin Robbin ice cream tonight, hee.

Yes I know my self-taking photo skills are horrendous. Give me a break, I haven't exactly been actively using a camera. :(


More Baskin Robbins than girls. Fail I know, shut up. ._.

See the pro do it :P


Ok la this pic the best k? :P

I wouldn't sleep tonight if I could but I'll probably collapse tomorrow so I had better go. I guess the point is, I have to try and think of it as a long working holiday, and less like OMG I'M LEAVING EVERYONE.




It still feels like it though. :(


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