Somewhere out there..
I finally gave in and attached the 5m long network cable that Mom gave me before I left.
Therefore I am currently blogging from my bed! :D
My bed is the single best thing here at my room in Normanby. It is so extremely comfortable. Especially with the blanket. Just need a bolster and all would be perfect.
Course, the 1G speed Internet is awesome too.
And the lovely sink.
But nothing beats the bed.
I love my bed.
I am slightly irritated and tired due to chasing assignments, and tomorrow I'll have to work on studying for a test (on that day) and another assignment (due the next day) and chasing for an interview (due on Friday).
Sigh. :(
Other than that, life has been good so far. It's been hectic trying to juggle studies and life and friendship and other stuff. Sometimes I drop a ball (or five) but it's been all right. So far.
I wouldn't say I'm really homesick but I do miss you guys back in Malaysia. Lots and lots.
Tao and Woei Lin: Can you come poke me on MSN some days! Or you know, just leave a Facebook message or something so I know you're still alive. :P I miss random shopping trips with you guys and gossiping about this, that or the other. (Have you learnt to drive yet, Woei Lin? :P)
Kai Hui: I miss talking to you about random stuff that nobody else would understand. A lot of siblings don't get along but we do, and I'm really glad we do. (Yes I'll buy you that cookies and cream sauce..though I think it'll taste weird honestly)
Mummy and Daddy: I guess part of growing up is being independent and realizing that you really only have yourself to rely on. I miss the safety of knowing that if anything happens I can always turn to you - I still can, I suppose, but it's not the same.
Brendan, Loe, Noel, Justin, Mannat et al: I miss hanging out in campus with you guys, having lunch together, gossiping about lecturers, planning trips out for movies/Wii and stuff. I wish you guys were here with me! I know we can still keep in touch through the Internet but it really just isn't the same. Can we plan for a trip in like July or something? Or November when end of year holidays start.
All the little things you take for granted when you have them, but when you don't you realize just how much you loved them.
When I go back to Malaysia I am going to binge.
It's funny, though, all my life I've wanted to fly overseas for as long as I can remember. I've wanted to see new countries, experience new cultures, and meet people that I thought I would finally be able to relate more to.
Then I get here, and I realize..the grass isn't greener after all. It's just a different shade of green.
Australia is a beautiful country, with lovely people and breathtaking views, and it has everything going for it.
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